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"Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad"

Richard Branson,
Founder of Virgin Group.
This quote is from a very famous person. But how exactly did Richard Branson become so famous?
What is “Fame” other than the cumulation of years of reputation-building? Surely, this is the very essence of PR? 


Public Relations is neither a cost nor an overhead; it is a long-term, strategic investment which pays handsome dividends when done properly as part of a co-ordinated marketing campaign. You may have the best “widget” in the world, but if people don't know about it, your sales will be low or virtually non-existent! They'll never reach full potential. We're all in business to make profit; not sit on stock or look at an empty diary that should be full of client appointments!


Specialising in Business to Business PR, I have 26 years of PR experience getting clients into the headlines of their chosen national, regional and trade media. Some even gain international coverage, which is a massive boost to their reputations, sales and profits!

PR Toolkit: Bespoke Services
Every company is at a different stage of growth and has different stories to tell.
One size does NOT fit all, so after a thorough interview, a bespoke PR programme will be developed, tailored to your individual needs.

Mayor of Swindon Steve Wakefield kindly gives us the keys to The Museum's new home by The Central Library.

The TRUE Value of PR 


The Chartered Institute of Public Relations says editorial copy is FIVE times more valuable than advertising. However, the Public Relations Consultants Association says it is SEVEN times more valuable. 


And PR usually costs a fraction of the price of an advertising campaign. While an ad campaign runs in a few titles, a PR campaign can reach a much broader audience and many more thousands of people that way too. Once we identify the angle of your story, I'll act as the link between you and numerous empty media slots waiting to be filled.


The world is news hungry - Are you ready to get YOUR story in the public eye to attract potential new customers?

INTEL's VP of EMEA Gordon Graylish hands me an original INTEL computer chip which pre-dates micro-processors at The Museum of Computing, Swindon. See case study on international PR.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Having spoken to several editors, I've had it confirmed that if you send in quality images with your story, you are more likely to get it published than if you send in text only. More than that, an editor may choose your story with pic, even if it is weaker than other stories he/she received that day. Put yourself in their shoes; they have to make their pages visually interesting and a photo will stop a reader in their tracks, making them read the first paragraph. If the content is of interest to them and well-written, they will read the rest.
So Public Relations is not just about sending press releases: I strongly believe people should budget for press photography as well!
Different photographers have different strengths. Find one who produces good quality, well-lit work with creative ideas at a price you can afford.
The image on the right was taken by Ava Photographic who undertake work throughout the UK and abroad. 

Stunning lighting provides the perfect environment for a photoshoot beside The Gherkin, London.

Below, to build your company and/or personal brand, it doesn't hurt to be seen with the right people! 

L to R: My client Regus Finance Officer Xenia Walters, with national TV news anchors Angela Rippon and Moira Stewart at the European Women of Achievement Awards.

Brand-Building Photos


To build company or personal brand by association, be seen in the right places with the RIGHT people!  L to R: my client Xenia Walters, UK Chief Financial Officer for REGUS with BBC TV newsreaders and presenters 

Angela Rippon and Moira Stewart at The European Women of Achievement Awards.


All I had to do was ask. It takes "chutzpah" to do so, but if you don't ask, you don't receive!

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